Some 40 years ago, construction of I-65 and I-70 permanently
divided four southeast Indianapolis neighborhoods: Fletcher Place,
Holy Rosary, Bates-Hendricks and Fountain Square.

In the years since, great strides have been made to reconnect these
neighborhoods, namely completion of the Cultural Trail along Virginia Avenue.

Yet, where I-65/70 intersect, there remains a literal concrete gap; up to a half mile at its widest point.

It is here we see an opportunity.

Overlooking this intersection, and
adjacent to the Cultural Trail, lies
a large, open green-space currently
maintained by Keep Indianapolis
.  With your support, future
home to The Idle: A Point of View.

The Idle will be a unique, urban space,
comprised primarily of re-purposed
materials and designed as a public
gathering space to bridge the
neighborhoods and bring people and
communities together.

    project proposal
    site plan


thoughts? ideas? introductions? contact us. we’d love to hear from you.